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Structure of TimeLineCard - BloomLog App Building #01

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Search Textfield with options and clear button ideal for app TopBar- Jetpack Compose Component

In this blog post, we'll explore a simple yet effective implementation of a search bar in Jetpack Compose. The provided SearchTextField composable offers a basic text field with a placeholder, suitable for building the app top bar. Screen Shot of the Component from my Jot-app The following code can be used to your project directly and it should work as expected, the idea was to have a search bar for a top app which can also hst the buttons on either ends,do check the code below If you have any suggestions or improvements for the code, let's have a conversation below. Your feedback is valuable to me

Implementing In-app and pre-locale language selection in Android

Modern Android App Architecture One of the essential features for a globalized app is the ability to provide users with the option to choose their preferred language within the application. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of implementing in-app language selection in an Android app. Step 1: Create Locale String Resource Create a string resource file for each respective locale by navigating to res > new > Android Resource File . Select Locale and create a string.xml file. Copy and paste the translations of your app content into these files. Step 2: Configure Locale Preferences In the res/xml folder, create a new file called locales_config.xml and specify the locales of your choice. for example look at the following code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <locale-config xmlns:android=""> <locale andro

Linked List in Java - Collections Framework- DSA

Gist: A Linked list is dynamic array where a group of object can be stored while following the insertion order and allow duplicates, the 2 type of linked list is singly and double linked lists, the default one is single linked list where the elements can be traversed only in forward direction this is because unlike array here the elements are stored at random locations and only the node of each element knows the address of the next element. A simple example would be our circut board here a point X may be connection to Y and Y connectioned to pont Z here the insertion order is preserved and we can know the next point only by following the signals from the previous point. Same as the example but in Linked list each element has 2 parts in singly linked list where 1 part is the node with the adress to the next node and the other which is the actua data of that element like a post letter the envelop has the address and inside the contents. but in doubly linked list there are 3 parts

Chocolate Feast - Problem Solving - Hacker Rank Solution.

The expectation is to find the total number of choclate one can consume by taking full advantage of the offer, Here there are 3 inputs n which holds the value of initial amount of money for buying choclate, c is the cost price of each candy if paid by cash and m is the exchange rate for the candy. Inputs n Initial cash to buy candy. c Coast of each candy if paid by cas.h m Exchange rate for a new candy in offer. The initial count of choclate will be the cash / coast and the wrappers in hand will be the same value of choclate, and from there we loop through until the wrap count is less than the exchange rate, inside the loop the choclate count will still hold the same fourmula as before but divided with exchange rate. The wrap count is the tricky part... the wrap will be wrap/ exchange rate(the no. choclate) + the remainder of this division(THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT) because for example if the count of wrapper is 3 and the exchange rate is 2 you can only buy 1 c

Designer PDF Viewer - HackerRank Problems

Difficulty: EASY Problem : The objective here is to find the size of the highlighted area, and we are given the size's of all the alphabets, we have to find the largest alphabet in the highlighted word and then calculate the size of the rectangle so if the tallest character is 3 then the size of the box will be 3 * number of characters given. Visual representation of the selection : abc def ghij Inputs An array with the sizes of all alphabets a-z in order. A String of highlighted words. Important points to note The array which holds the height of each character in ascending order which means the arrays 0th index will have the height of a 1st index will have the height of b and so on and so forth in the end the hight of z will be there so it's easy to locate each character. A String with the highlighted word. This means we have got the characters inside the rectangle, all we have to find is

Introduction to Threads in Java

 Threads are basically a way to run multiple tasks concurrently this can be helpful to speed up your program, usually, a Java program runs on a single thread by utilizing only one core of your processor here the other processors are just sitting idly by introducing thread java helps us to make use of these idle processors.  How to create a new thread process? There are two ways of creating a new thread is by extending the Thread class and another way is by implementing Runnable interface either way the class must override the run method which will be called during the start method of the thread object.  1. extending the Thread class  public class Main extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println("This code is running in a thread"); } } 2.  Implementing Runnable Interface public class Main implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("This code is running in a thread"); } } The ideal way